The HMS Board of Directors has authorized the posting of all the remaining Total War charts. The first one (the front of the Unit Identification Chart – UIC) is appended below. Additional charts will follow every 3-4 days until we get last of printing back and start to ship the game. There will be some explanatory commentary about the new/changed (from previous Europa games) material on each chart as part of each post.
Below are two .pdf files, one showing the front of the UIC (how all the ratings on the counters and markers are laid out), and a separate file (an extract from the Axis and Soviet OBs) showing the unit colors used on the various counters in the game. The first thing you will probably notice is that the point size on this chart is lower than on previous charts. This was necessary if we were to keep this as a single chart size for Total War. For the equivalent Grand Europa chart this single side will expand to two sides, as there are many more ground unit types, air/naval unit types/codes, and special markers for the entire series than there are for Total War.
Other changes include: 1) a more detailed explanation of support status indicators, size designations, and fragile unit indicators; 2) A new arrangement of the various air/naval unit types into various “categories” as they are used in the rules, 3) a number of new air/naval unit codes
(Ex: P for Paradrop Expertise denoting transports trained to make air drops); and 4) a number of new marker types (disruption markers, limited mobility markers, admin move/strat rail markers, etc.).
Nice. Thanks for posting these, and for the update.
Guys, thank you VERY MUCH (and hopefully we all receive our complete/partial ‘TW’ games by Xmas). -TWHJr
Thanks for the news. Looking forward to the game!