HMS/GRD Currently Available Product/Price List as of 19 Jan 2008
The 2006 price increases are our first general rise in game prices since 2000.
Discounts apply on most items if you are a current subscriber to The Europa Magazine (TEM) (the discounts are described at the end of the product list).
All prices are in US dollars and non-inclusive of shipping charges. However, current (direct from
HMS/GRD) subscribers to Europa Magazine pay no shipping on orders sent anywhere with a US zip code.

Total War
Description: The remake of Fire in the East, with extensively updated maps, orders of battle, and rules reflecting a decade+ of
new research (using info from the Soviet archives and new Axis sources) and extensive playing experience. Total War covers the first campaign
year of the war in the east, Jun 41- Mar 42. Thirteen half map sections and 14 counter sheets.
Release: Current target date Jan 2014
Price: $234 Product #914

Wavell’s War
Description: The first Grand Europa module, Wavell’s War links the games War in the Desert and Balkan Front with
new material (maps and counters) covering the campaign for Italian East Africa. This is a module and requires the games
War in the Desert and Balkan Front in order to play fully (the East Africa campaign and the Desert Scenarios in Wavell’s
War requires only Wavell’s War and War in the Desert; and the Balkan Front scenarios in Wavell’s War require only Wavell’s
War and Balkan Front, but the huge Grand Campaign Game requires Wavell’s War, War in the Desert, and Balkan Front). The module
provides 21 mapsheets covering all of East Africa and much of Sudan and the Arabian peninsula, 1 mapsheet overlay to Balkan
Front, 3 countersheets of revised/new counters for Balkan Front and Italian East Africa, extensive play aids including eleven
game charts and a scenarios and appendices book. Includes 16 scenarios. 22 quarter-size maps, 3 countersheets (840 counters).
Price: $80 Product #913

Over There
Description: A game in the Great War series that covers the 1917-18 campaigns on the Western Front (France and Italy)
during World War One, plus the campaigns in Africa from 1914-1918 and a hypothetical 2nd Mexican-American War arising from Pershing’s
Expedition. Includes 20 scenarios (including, The Nivelle Offensive (1917), Caporetto (1917), The Peace Offensive (1918), Black Autumn (1918),
Victory in the West (1918), And the War Goes On (1919), The End of the Affair (1917-1920), The Boer Revolt, Cameroon (1914-1917),
Askari! (1914-1919), Pershing’s Expedition (1916-17), and Sands of the Sahara (1914-1920). 12 quarter-size maps, 13 countersheets
(3640 counters).
Price: $145 Product #912

The Damned Die Hard
Description: A game in the Glory series that covers the 1941-42 campaign for the Philippines. The new operational and tactical naval
system will be used in the game. Includes separate smaller-scale Bataan scenario (on its own map) and several ‘what-if’ scenarios that explore
possibilities of varied additional reinforcements for both sides. Includes 9 quarter-size maps, 3 countersheets (840 counters).
Price: $65 Product #911

Storm Over Scandinavia
Description: A game in the Europa series that covers the 1940-41 campaigns in Denmark and Norway. Also includes several hypothetical
scenarios (such as a German invasion of Sweden, a British planned but never carried out “OperationThuderbolt” invasion of German-Occupied Norway
in 1942, and Swedish intervention in 1945). Includes WWII Grand Europa OBs and counters for Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. 10 quarter-size maps,
5 countersheets (1400 counters).
Price: $80 Product #910

War of Resistance
Description: A game in the Glory series that covers the 1937-41 portion of the Sino-Japanese War. Extensive political
rules governing the various Chinese factions (warlords) and changing Japanese objectives. Detailed mechanics for Chinese
guerrillas/partisans. 17 quarter-size maps; 8 countersheets (1960 counters).
Price: $110 Product #909

March to Victory
Description: A game in the Great War series that covers the 1914-16 Campaigns in France and Italy. This war to end all wars was fought
in the dawn of new technology that laid waste to vast empires and their armies. Virtually all our modern weapons were first used in this war.
The tactics were not. Mass attack resulted in mass destruction. During this war both sides were forced to rebuild their armies. Each new army
with the air and naval forces are in this game. This game features many scenarios, and the ability to play with, or without the air and naval
Product #908 Note: This game is permanently out of print and will not be reprinted in this form.

War in the Desert
Description: War in the Desert recreates the struggle for North Africa and the Near East. Using standard Europa scales and rules, the game
covers the campaigns in the Western Desert, from O’Conners offensive against the Italians in Dec 40, to the seige of Tobruk and the battle
of Gazala, through to the defeat and pursuit of the Axis forces at El Almein in Nov 42. The battle for Northwest Africa from the Anglo-American
invasion of Nov 42 tot eh Axis counterattack at Kasserine Pass to the Axis surrender in May 43. The struggle for control of the Near East,
including the pro-Axis revolt in Iraq, the British conquest of Vichy France’s possessions, Syria and Lebanon, and the Allied invasion of Iraq.
Product #907
Note: This game is currently out of print except as a ‘special edition’ (for which see the ‘special edition’
section below).

For Whom the Bell Tolls (in a plain white box – includes bonus pack)
Description: A game in the Europa series that covers the 1936-39 Spanish Civil War, plus provides the Grand Europa material for
WWII Spain and Portugal (including a separate game covering a hypothetical attack on Spain/Gibraltar by the Axis). One full-size and one
half-size map; 6 counter sheets (1680 counters). Complete game, with all the original components of the original ‘color box’ version except
that it comes in a plain white box instead of the sold-out original yellow and black box.
Bonus: Includes a bonus pack of three sheets of game play markers not in the original game.
Price: $70 (Note that this is $10 less than the color box version.) Product #906pwb+
Note: Game will will not return to stock in printed, color box until probably late in 2010.

Second Front
Description: A game in the Europa series that covers the 1943-45 campaigns in Italy, France, and Germany.
Product #905
Note: This game is currently out of print except as a ‘special edition’ (for which see the
‘special edition’ section below).

A Winter War
Description: A game in the Europa series that covers the 1939-40 Russo-Finnish war.
Product #904
Note: This game is currently out of print. However it should return to print in 2009 (the counters for it
are being printed as part of the Total War print run).

First to Fight (in a plain white box – includes First to Fight refit kit).
Description: A game in the Europa series that covers the 1939 German invasion of Poland. 8 quarter-size maps, 4 full- and 1 half-size
countersheets (1240 counters). This game was out of print for several years, but is once again available for sale. However, the version that
is available now comes as ‘plain white box’ version. It is a complete game, with all rules, orders of battle, charts, counters, maps, and dice
included in the original 2nd edition of the game, but the box itself is a plain white box (not the original black/red colored version) and the
maps are color photocopies. The counters and order of battle (OB) in the game are the updated versions that make up the First to Fight refit
Bonus: Includes an extra sheet of markers not in color box version of game.
Price: $70 Product #903pwb+
Note: First to Fight, the color box version of the game, will probably not return to print until 2010.

First to Fight Refit Kit.
Description: Game module updating original game First to Fight, consisting of updated order
of battle and 4 replacement counter sheets.
Price: $40 (no price increase on December 16, 2006). Product #903refit

Balkan Front (in a plain white box – includes Balkan Front refit kit).
Description: A game in the Europa series that covers the 1940-41 Italian and German invasions of Greece and Yugoslavia.
1 Full-size and 2 quarter-size maps, 4 countersheets (1120 counters). The original print run of this game recently sold out,
so it is now available only as a ‘plain white box’ version. It is a complete game, with all rules, orders of battle, charts,
counters, dice, and maps included in the original game, but the box itself is a plain white box (not the original black and
orange colored version), and the two quarter-size maps are color photocopies. The counters and orders of battle (OB) are the updated
new counters/OB that were previously offered in the Balkan Front refit kit.
Bonus: Includes an extra sheet of markers not in color box version of game.
Price: $60 Product #902pwb+
Note: Balkan Front, the color box version of the game, will probably not return to print until 2010.

Balkan Front Refit Kit.
Description: Game module updating original game Balkan Front, consisting of updated order of battle and 3 replacement counter sheets.
Price: $35 Product #902refit

The Urals
Description: A Game Module in the Europa series that adds maps of the Urals region of the Soviet Union, various play aids,
an updated rules set, and a 1943 Scenario to the game “Scorched Earth”.
Price: $15 Product #901

Subscription to The Europa Magazine for Issues #89-92
Description: Supports the Europa, Glory, and Great War series of games with game play reports, historical background articles,
detailed orders of battle, game add ons, etc. The Europa Magazines following #88 will come out at irregular intervals between game releases
with 4 issues per subscription. Issue #88 will serve as an example of the changed format. A typical issue will have a 4-color cover, 54 to 64 pages
of material, and three of the issues will have one or more full-color maps (typically 8.5 x 11 or 11 x 17 inches in size, for example,
#88 has two 11×17 full-color maps) and one issue of each subscription with have a quarter sheet of die-cut, color counters. Cover price
is $12 an issue.
Price for First-Time Subscription:
US Subscription (sent anywhere with a US zip code):  $50.
Non-US Subscription (sent anywhere WITHOUT a US zip code):  $70
Bonus for First-Time Subscribers: Pack of 3 sheets of game markers that can be used with our games.
Price for Subscription Renewal (if you are a current subscriber):

Subscription to The Europa Magazine for Issues #83-88
Description: Supports the Europa, Glory, and Great War series of games with game play reports, historical background articles, detailed
orders of battle, game add ons, etc. Comes out at irregular intervals, with a planned 6 issues a year. Issues #83-87 have 2-color covers and 48
pages of text. #88 has a full-cover cover and 64 pages of text. Issue 84 comes with a small color map of the Cape Verde Islands. Issue 87 comes
with an 8.5 x 11 inch full-color map of Madagascar. Issue #88 will have two 11×17 full-color maps. #88 should be out shortly after Total War had been published. Cover price is $8 for issues #83-87 and $12 for issue #88.
Price for First-Time Subscription:
US Subscription (sent anywhere with a US zip code):  $50.
Non-US Subscription (sent anywhere WITHOUT a US zip code):  $70
Bonus for First-Time Subscribers: Pack of 3 sheets of game markers that can be used with out games.
Price for Subscription Renewal (if you are a current subscriber):

The Europa Magazine Back Issues
Retail Price: Varies depending on the issue # as shown below. Issue
#59/60 (a double issue) contains an index of all articles published in the magazine for issues 1-60.
Available Issues (unless indicated as ‘photocopy’ these are the original printed version):
#1-4 (counts as a single issue) photocopy – $6 each.
#5-8 photocopy – $6 each.
#9, 10, 11, 12 – $4 each.
#13-16 photocopy – $6 each.
#17-18 – $4.50 each.
#19-29 photocopy – $6 each.
#30-31 – $5 each.
#32-36 photocopy – $6 each.
#37 – $6 each.
#38/39 (double issue) photocopy – $12 each.
#40 photocopy – $6 each.
#41, 42 – $7 each.
#43/44 (double issue) – $14 each.
#46 photocopy – $6 each.
#47-64, 66-70 – $7 each.
#71-76 – $8 each.
#77 photocopy – $6 each.
#78-87 – $8 each.
The Europa Magazine Bundle Pack
Description: One copy each of all back issues of Europa magazine from #1-82. Note that various issues are photocopies as listed in the
backissue section above
Price: $250 (a savings of $270 from the $520 total if each issue were purchased separately). Product #TEMpack

Second Front Special Edition — Product #905se
Description: This consists of the original, printed Second Front box (top and bottom), dice, rules set, all of the game charts, all
4 of the game maps, and 9 of the 17 countersheets; but the Axis and Allied order of battle booklets would be photocopies; and 8 of the countersheets
would be provided as electronic color adobe .pdf files (the files would be print only – they will be security protected so that they cannot be
modified in any way) that you would have to print out and mount/cut yourself. The adobe .pdf files would be exactly the same as the original
counter artwork files except that each file would have a 1/2″ grid overlay added so as to make mounting/cutting easier.) Included with the
“Second Front special edition” as bonuses would be the following items not in the original ‘Second Front’ game:
An extra sheet of game markers.
A copy of the Axis Higher Headquarters & Second Front Errata Counters countersheet.
A complete listing of all errata published for the game.
A $25 coupon that could be used (at some point in the future) to take $25 off the price of either: a) a copy of Second Front (when it is
reprinted about 2 years down the road) or b) a copy of the Second Front refit kit when that kit is released (also about 2 years down the road)
Special Edition:This game will require you to print/mount/cut out some counters. If you are uncertain about
mounting/cutting your own counters we recommend that you check out the following external, unaffiliated website:
It gives very good illustrated info on how to easily mount/cut your own counters using a variety of methods.
Note: The “Second Front Refit Kit” would be a package of all 17 countersheets and updated maps – it will probably sell for about
$150 when released. The intent is that between “Second Front special edition” and a copy of the “Second Front Refit Kit” you would ultimately
have a complete copy of Second Front upgraded to the latest standards, for a total cost of about $175 ($100 for the ‘Second Front special
edition’ and $75 (after $25 coupon discount) for the “Second Front Refit Kit’. However, the “Second Front special edition” would allow
you to play Second Front NOW and would mean you would eventually end up with a lot of extra back-up components and for a total cost a
bit less than what a new copy of Second Front will eventually sell for (about $200).
We also offer two optional add-ons to the above:

War in the Desert Special Edition — Product #907se
Description: This consists of the original, printed War in the Desert box (top and bottom) and all of the original printed
components inside except that 2 (of the 6) countersheets would be provided as electronic color adobe .pdf files (the files would be
print only – they will be security protected so that they cannot be modified in any way) that you would have to print out and mount/cut
yourself. The adobe .pdf files would be exactly the same as the original counter artwork files except that each file would have a 1/2″
grid overlay added so as to make mounting/cutting easier. Included as bonuses would be the following items not in the original game:
Special Edition:This game will require you to print/mount/cut out some counters. If you are uncertain about
mounting/cutting your own counters we recommend that you check out the following external,
unaffiliated website:
It gives very good illustrated info on how to easily mount/cut your own counters using a variety of methods.
We also offer two optional add-ons to the above:
OPTION #1: As an addition to the above HMS will provide you with color copies of the 2 out-of-print countersheets (the ones you
will get color adobe .pdf files for), both fronts and backs.
We regret that we cannot arrange for the actual cutting of the counters themselves at this time – the process just takes time that we do
not have at present (where we are concentrating on getting Total War out).
Current (direct from HMS/GRD) subscribers to The Europa Magazine are eligible for the following discounts (and you can subscribe
and order other items at the same time and qualify for the subscriber discount):
- 10% off all game modules and games (except that there is no discount on pre-publication game orders as pre-publication orders are
already discounted more than 20%).
- 33% off all refit kits.
- 50% off all Europa Magazine back issues (except that there is no discount on the Europa Magazine Back Issue Bundle Pack since the
bundle is already discounted by over 50%).
Method: For shipments to locations in the contiguous 48 US states and in lower Canada this is normally UPS Ground or US Priority Mail.
For shipments anywhere else this is by the most economical means of air shipping (this usually means US Air Parcel Post or US Global Priority
Mail Pouch). Note that we do NOT ship via surface outside of the US. We insure all shipments for their total cost at our expense.
Charges: A shipping charge applies to all orders for games, game modules, refit kits, and magazine back issues (but not for magazine
subscriptions) made by non-current Europa Magazine subscribers, and to all orders made by current Europa Magazine subscribers where the order
is to be sent to a non-US zip code. This charge varies as described below:
Orders by non-current Europa Magazine subscribers sent to any address with a US zip code:
Orders by current Europa Magazine subscribers sent to any address with a US zip code:
Orders to be sent anywhere without a US zip code (regardless of current Europa Magazine subscriber status):
- Actual shipping costs for most economical means of air shipment. We will calculate this and notify you before your order is finalized
and you are charged.
HMS can accept payment:
- By credit card (Master Card or Visa only).
- Via paypal internet money transfer (and paypal accepts practically all credit cards; If you elect to pay via paypal please note that
our merchant name there is: Historical Military Services (HMS/GRD) and our associated e-mail address is
- By check (but only if the check is drawn on a US bank, made payable in US funds, and has US electronic bank routing code printed on the lower
left of the check).
- By money order (but only if the money order is either: 1) a US postal money order, 2) a money order that is comparable to a US check, i.e.
drawn on a US bank, made payable in US funds, and with US electronic bank routing code printed on the money order), or 3) is an internation money
order made payable in US funds and issued by a country with a DIRECT money order redemption agreement in place with the US (at present this is
limited to Canada, Japan, and a few countries in the Caribbean, West Africa, and Eastern Europe.
- We do not accept other forms of payment, such as non-US checks and non-Direct redemption international money orders, at this time due to
the extraordinarily high fees US banks charge to process these.
What games are available in the series “Glory – The Pacific Theater 1937-45” ? What will be the total cost for ‘Total War’ and ‘War of Resistance’ and ship to Hong Kong ? I can pay by paypal.