Europa – The European Theater 1939-1945

The Europa Series is the original series of games that cover World
War II in the European and Mediterranean Theaters of Operations. The games
are capable of being joined together to allow fighting sections of the war.

Glory – The Pacific Theater 1937-45

The Glory Series are individual games that cover the Asian and Pacific
conflicts during World War II. While some of the games may be joined
together, not all of them do.

The Great War – World War I on all Fronts

The Great War Series games are all able to combine together to allow
the players to fight all of World War I. They cover the war in Africa,
Europe, and the Middle East. There is also the ability to fight the Second
American Mexican War that could have started in 1916.

The Europa Magazine (TEM)

The Europa Magazine covers all three of the game series. There are
articles that include scenarios, game play reports, possible alternatives to
rules and scenarios, strategy discussions, and historical articles.


8 Responses to Game Series

  1. I enjoyed playing your first DNO games in the late 1970s. I had the second edition of the game. Tim

  2. John T Parsons says:

    With Total War about completed, when can we expect to see some updates on Glory and the Great War? March to Victory and Over There are terrific, and I’m waiting for an Eastern Front update. Anything on the horizon?

  3. Thomas says:

    I’m also waiting on updates to the Great War Series. What part of the world do you reside in Mr. Parsons? I’m in Alaska…


  4. michael says:

    how come you guys don’t have all the game pages for each series like you did on the older site? i like your new site, but i used to visit to track the great war and glory as well.

  5. John T Parsons says:

    I’m in Nebraska.

  6. Jeff Vandine says:

    Hi John Parsons! Good to see you’re still out there. I was trying to get hold of you. Did your e-mail change? Can I get a good phone number for you somehow?

    And, yes, I too would LOVE to see the next installment of the Great War series come out. Especially if it’s the Eastern Front!

  7. Brian Knipple says:

    I would like an updated The Fall of France and Their Finest Hour along with a Wavell’s War-like kit to join them with First to Fight and Storm Over Scandinavia for a first year of the war campaign. This would allow for political as well as military alternatives to be explored.

  8. Brian Knipple says:

    I would like to see The Fall of France and Their Finest Hour updated and a kit developed to combine them with First to Fight and Storm Over Scandinavia for a first year of the war campaign like Wavell’s War.