HMS News April 13, 2014

On April 13, 2014, in News, by ArthurGoodwin

We have been out of touch for too long due to tax and medical issues here. An additional series of eye surgeries left me, literally, in the dark for some time. As a result, I missed many phone calls and could not read much e-mail until recently. My vision is better now and expected to return entirely.

Arthur was busy with our 2012 (amended) and 2013 corporate tax returns. With the fire in 2012, prohibited access to most of our records/part of our inventory that extended into 2013, a resulting inventory write-down, and the need to recreate many records lost to the fire/cleanup, our tax accounting was complex and time-consuming. The Fire Sale was successful in recovering our funding for these expenses but it also added to the work and complexity.

Printing of the remaining Total War components has continued and we now have many of the game charts and rules in the storage facility. Unfortunately, while I was down and out and Arthur was off-site, the printer had made several attempts to reach us that went unanswered. They were at a point were they could begin to schedule the remaining blocks of our printing. When they could not reach us, they then proceeded with their regular customers.

Arthur worked alone during this time and coped with a re-occurrence of some medical issues while having to put up with my bad humor. Neither of us felt able to explain what was impacting us here personally and with the business side of the business. We should have made much more effort to do that. I clearly failed to keep the printer informed and I will be meeting with them this week to let you know where we are. We are returning to samples from the Total War game components and will put this out at a much faster pace as well as letting you know more about new work that has been in progress.


The sample below is an updated version of the Soviet OB initial setup extract previously posted. This version fixes some issues regarding deployment of the 7th, 12th, and 9th Armies and some of the initial conditions regarding transportation lines/etc.




6 Responses to HMS News April 13, 2014

  1. Rob says:

    Ten weeks for an update and then nothing of any substance. How about committing to weekly updates? Even if you’ve nothing to say you could release a file?

  2. Clint Brass says:

    Thanks Gar and Arthur. One day at a time. I appreciate your efforts in spite of life happening.

  3. Bob says:

    Me too, echoing Clint’s comment. Get well.

  4. Anthony Perri says:

    Gar, Glad you are feeling better and taxes are always a headache!! BUT just a little more communication and a good accountant never hurts!
    Good luck and thanks

  5. Eternal Optimist says:

    Thanks for the update and hope everyone is feeling better. Please take as much time as you need to complete this simulation. What’s another decade or two among friends and fans?

  6. chet says:

    another decade or two some of us will have passed away, updates would be nice on a regular basis. I am surprised you guys could stay in business with all the problems you have. I hope you guys stay well and get better but this does seem to be another repeat from the past. I do not know who you are using for the printing but they should be able to work with you and get it done so you can satisfy your obligations.